Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Team Video

1 comment:

  1. We are plotting a revolt against Professor King (down with the monarch!). We're only "competing" against one another because he, the authoritarian ruler of our class, has told us to compete. But, there's really no inherent need for competition. It's a completely artificial construct. None of us will gain anything of real value from having more views, except for the contingent grade that King has imposed on us. But, an A is not a limited resource and everyone should be able get an A. As it stands, I'm afraid some teams may acutally be unduly penalized for lower view counts when they obviously deserve more (e.g "Spaghetti Western").

    With this video project, we've all basically internalized the King's ruthless exercise of power. He has pitted classmate against classmate, brother against brother, sister against sister. This is an injustice that we cannot let stand! So brothers and sisters, let us unite to take on the real enemy!

    Our proposal is simple. All teams should cooperate to get an A (but teams can still compete for the honor of highest views). We should join together to challenge the source of class domination (Soc 167 class). Yes, the tyrant Professor King! We will form a Solidarity 167 movement (on Facebook) with the sole purpose of all teams defeating King's view count. The ultimate goal is to make this a real sociological moment by overthrowing the existing power structure and revolting against the monarch. Nothing can be more sociological than that!

    We will demonstrate how altruism and cooperation can actually defeat externally imposed self-interest and competition. And, if nothing else, it will be fun to challenge the dictator! :D So let us unite. Let us make Sociology 167 history by collectively overthrowing the dictator. Down with the monarch! Down with the tyrant! Down with the King!! Today, we are all Egyptians. Are you with me?!

    If you are interested, or simply want to discuss this further, join the "Solidarity 167" group on Facebook.
